Horse with severe Habronema granulomas
"A Boerperd gelding, presented with severe Habronema granulomas, especially around the left eye, causing severe conjunctivitis, pain and lachrymation. 🐴

"A Boerperd gelding, presented with severe Habronema granulomas, especially around the left eye, causing severe conjunctivitis, pain and lacrymation. 🐴
The Vet removed large pieces of caseous material and treated the gelding with Ivermectin, dexamethasone, terracortril suspension topically, and fly masks. The horse being in severe pain and with the eyes still swollen after the initial treatment was difficult to work with. It was then decided to add Phototherapy once a day using the 100 mW probe on the Tissue Trauma protocol. ❤️
After just one treatment of phototherapy, the swelling had gone down and the horse was much easier to work with and the eye was far less painful. 🤩"
- Riana Wiechers