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Bad injury to one of his toes!

"Unfortunately, one of our dogs had a bad injury to one of his toes one day when we got home. He was first treated with Photizo to keep his blood circulation going, after which he was sewn at the vet's."

I am IMPRESSED with Photizo Vetcare.

Big thumbs upp from an extremely satisfied buyer."

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Cat diagnosed with Snuffles

"I brought Gabriel (domestic short hair cat), when she was diagnosed with Snuffles. We tried every anti-biotic, available but Gabriel was never cured. ๐Ÿฑ

Horse with severe Habronema granulomas

"A Boerperd gelding, presented with severe Habronema granulomas, especially around the left eye, causing severe conjunctivitis, pain and lachrymation. ๐Ÿด

I used on my English Bull Terrier did wonders for his skin rash

He has a bad medical condition where his skin on his belly and under his legs would flare up and itch uncontrollably.

Photizo Vetcare rocks "๐Ÿ’™

"My dog has had surgery on his stomach and stomach 'skin' was cut open with a 12 cm wound as a result.

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She developed mastitis with abscesses, and could not feed all her pups.

My dog had puppies, and she developed mastitis with abscesses, and could not feed all her pups. Iโ€™m using a Photizo at home for my family, and decided, if it works so well for all ailments, it will also help my dog

Suspensory ligament injury, fast recovery!

"We went for a new check at the veterinarian yesterday....

The Photizo has been such a wonderful addition to our Veterinary clinic.

We have used it to treat various kinds of wounds, bruises, surgical areas, and ailments and have seen many of our patients often heal within a shorter amount of time than initially anticipated

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We used it on patients after they had an operation.

Recently my cat had an abscess in the face and within a day the light made the abscess drain...

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