I have had chronic pain in my hands and have struggled to endure it.
“For the past six months, I have had chronic pain in my hands and have struggled to endure it. Since I did not want to only cover myself with pills, I searched for alternative treatments and found this amazing product from Photizo called Pain Relief.

“For the past six months, I have had chronic pain in my hands and have struggled to endure it. Since I did not want to only cover myself with pills, I searched for alternative treatments and found this amazing product from Photizo called Pain Relief.
It is LED light therapy with red and infrared light that goes in and makes my muscles and joints relax after a long day at work. 🤲
It helps me to sleep better at night and in general I thought I was pain free for longer periods than when I take painkillers.
So if you want a painkiller that does not harm your body then check out Photizo Pain Relief 💚 ”
- Thomas Jensen, international Mounted Games Rider.